Thursday, March 20, 2008

First Post

I'm new to this whole blogging thing. A friend of mine asked me to start a blog 6 months ago as we moved from VA to CA as a way to keep in touch. Unfortunately, my promise to do so was delayed by our living arrangements (we were out in the country, on dial-up and I lack that kind of patience). We finally moved into base housing about 2 weeks ago and there's no better time to start a blog than now. I hope everyone enjoys reading our blog as much as I enjoy reading the blogs of all my friends.


  1. Oh Cool!!Clara and Jonathan have a blog of their own. Such smart children. MUST take after their Grandma Yonka!!

  2. Yay! Olivia is going to love looking at your pictures. I am glad you are in base housing now. Give me a call so we can talk about April!

  3. Welcome to the blogging world!!! You're going to love it, as is all of your family and friends to be able to see you all! Now it's time to put some birthday pictures up and some Easter pictures!!!

  4. Love it that you have a blog now! I am glad we can keep in better touch now! The kids look so big and beautiful! Wow, has it really been that long?
    love you all!
