Saturday, March 22, 2008

Tunnel Kisses

We have a fairly new bedtime routine with the kids. Clara likes to help tuck Jonathan in before going to bed herself. Jonathan has recently started pushing his face up between the slats of the crib to get kisses. Clara used to call these 'tunnel kisses' when she was still in the crib. (When Clara was real little she was fascinated by tunnels and once she learned the word, any sort of thing you went through in some sort of way became a tunnel for her). Anyway, when Chris is home we each take a side of the crib and Jonathan races around laughing hysterically as he gives each of us kisses, and the kisses get sloppier as he goes. On 2 separate occasions I've tried to get a good pic of Jonathan kissing Clara -- I came close tonight, so I thought I'd share.

1 comment:

  1. so cute...isn't it fun to see them interacting more and more?
