Saturday, April 12, 2008

House Guests

When we moved into base housing we noticed we had a bird's nest built up in the corner outside our front door. There's a small covered area just outside our front door and the birds built this nest up near the ceiling. Often times during the day you can hear the birds chirping and 'talking' to each other. When they aren't in their nest one will usually sit on our hose case while the other one perches on the spigot. The nest is too high to see if there's any eggs inside, but at least one of the birds seems to spend a lot of time in it. I haven't done any research to see what kind of birds these are, but so far they seem fairly friendly. When I was growing up a cat bird had built a nest in our neighbor's tree and anytime it thought you got too close, it would attack you. Thankfully no attacks so far, so I've decided to let them stay. Besides, Clara likes to check on them everyday.

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