Thursday, April 10, 2008

USS Ronald Reagan

The USS Ronald Reagan pulled into to port for a few days this week, so the kids and I made the trip 5 hours south to spend some time with Chris. We had a great time. These are a few pics we took the first night Chris got into port. I wish we'd gone back to take more pics of the ship, but here are the few we took.

This is a picture of USS Ronald Reagan, CVN-76, the night Chris got off the ship.

If you look closely you can see the planes up on the ship deck.

Jonathan and Clara were so excited to see Chris, they immediately began climbing on him.

Look at that smile!

Jonathan insisted on sitting on Daddy's lap through dinner and even fed him some food. We spent a good couple days with Chris visiting some of San Diego's amusement parks.

Chris had to get into work early this morning because he was on duty so he left before the kids and I got up. Clara and I woke up to kiss him goodbye, but surprisingly, Jonathan slept right through. It broke my heart when he woke up later in the morning, he immediately said, "Dada?" and started walking around the hotel room searching for Chris. When I told him Daddy went bye-bye, he went straight to the door and tried to open it -- that's the stuff that makes it hard when Chris goes away = (

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