Saturday, May 17, 2008

Biker Babe

In the days after Clara's birthday, it became apparent that it was not so much the bike she wanted as it was the 'helmick'. So out of desperation to get her to ride the bike, I tried using the helmick as incentive, telling her that she could pick her own helmick once she learned how to ride the bike. Still it took until Chris came home for her to really catch on.

She has learned to go down driveways and go around corners

She keeps a pretty good pace

This is the proud little lady at dinner the first day she had her very own helmick


  1. Should I be surprised everything, including the helmick, is pink?? Hcome there is no purple? I think she needs TWO helmicks, a purple one and a pink one!!

  2. Ummm--that "Hcome" is supposed to be "How come". I usually think much faster than I can type.

  3. You go Clara - you are getting so big and brave!!!
