Sunday, May 4, 2008


We're back from our trip to Disneyland. We returned on Thursday and I think we've all finally recovered. The kids did great. We kept them at Disneyland from open to close on Tuesday and then California Adventure Park from open to close on Wednesday, and we had no major meltdowns. They were certainly worn out, as were Chris and I, but we all had so much fun it was worth it. I have lots of pics to post, it's hard figuring out which ones to use, so I'll start with these 2. This is Pyramid Lake. It's off of I-5, about 2 hours south of here. I've wanted to stop and take pics of it everytime I go through there because it's so beautiful. There's actually a pyramid shape cut out of the side of that big mountain in the first pic, but I was too far away to get a good shot of it.

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