Monday, May 5, 2008


Today Chris took the kids to the zoo to give me a bit of a break and the chance to cook some meals to put in the freezer. Chris will be leaving again in a couple weeks for 6 months away and I find it difficult to cook when he's not home to help keep the kids from climbing on me the whole time, esp now that Clara has stopped taking naps most days. I wanted to have some meals in the freezer so that I don't have to keep the kids inside while I make dinner each night since they aren't quite old enough to be outside unsupervised. I obviously can't cook for the whole 6 months right now, but I managed to cook enough for a good couple weeks after he leaves (Thanks again Katy for all the recipes!)

Of course they have matching shirts -- did you have any doubt?

Chris said they spent pretty much the whole time with the stingrays again. Clara couldn't wait to show them to Chris, since he wasn't there the last time we went. She spent all morning before they went telling him how to 'pet them on their wings only, don't grab their tails, and they feel like Clemson's (our golden retriever) tongue'

They found a bird show to go to. I've never noticed it before, but they do have certain things only available on weekends, and the kids and I typically go on the week days when it's less busy. Chris participated in the bird show and they set him up for this awesome picture.

And they also got to have their picture taken with the owl. Chris said the kids wouldn't stop looking at it because it was screeching so loud. According to Clara, this owl didn't say "hoo, hoo", but rather screeched more like an eagle which she felt necessary to demonstrate for me many times this evening.

Jonathan fell asleep in the car on the way home. My van was in the shop this weekend to fix a warped rotor, so the kids were riding around in Chris' car. Clara liked it because it meant she was closer to Jonathan to be able to hold his hand. I pray they'll always be this close.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for cooking before he leaves! It's going to be great - it will be a HUGE help to you for while he's gone! Keep it up!
