Monday, June 9, 2008

Catch up

I didn't get the chance last week to get on here and post a few things. I found out that the 'Tiny Tots' playgroup I had signed Clara up for was actually different than usual for summer session. Instead of going on just Tues. and Thurs. from 9-11am, she goes M, T, TH, F from 9-11am. It's a 6 week session and today was her 1st day. Here's a pic of her with 2 of her classmates, Emily and Caroline, who also happen to be our neighbors from right down the street. Clara's very excited to go some place that allows her to mix old friends (from down the street) with new friends.

Today they made hula skirts and danced to Hawaiian music. She wouldn't put the skirt on for me to get a pic. Jonathan and I took the opportunity to go for a nice brisk walk for the first hour. Jonathan loves to sit back in his stroller and look around -- he's got the life! Tomorrow he'll start his tumbling class for that first hour and then we'll still have time for our walk afterwards!

Oh, and the update on gas -- $4.38/gal -- I heard someone say it was supposed to go down soon, though the news seems to say differently. A sentiment that seems to be confirmed by the article in the paper today, that more and more people are surrendering their pets (namely cats) to local shelters due to the rising gas prices -- they can't afford it all. Can you imagine?!


  1. This may sound like a silly question, but bear with me. I worked last night and really haven't slept much today. Are people surrendering their cats to make some sort of fossil fuel to run their cars on :)?

  2. Looks like Clara is enjoying all her new social time. Hopefully Jonathan will as well - it will be nice for you to have a BREAK!!
