Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Have You Seen Me?

Have you seen this happy child? His mommy is looking for him and misses him VERY much. It seems someone played a cruel joke on his mommy this morning when she got up. Instead of finding him in his bed there was an impostor, who looked just like him, but his mommy was soon to find out that this was NOT the same child at all.

Nothing mommy did today could make this impostor child smile...

No matter how much his mommy tried to believe it was the same child, this was all she found. By the end of the day his mommy was sure there must've been some kind of mix-up. Still, she took good care of the impostor, and placed him back in bed tonight where she found him.

So, Please if you find me, return me to my mommy before tomorrow morning -- she will be forever grateful!

1 comment:

  1. Those days are the worst....do you think he's come down with something? Or just an off day?
