Sunday, June 22, 2008

Jiminy the Frog

Yesterday was Clara's special day. I tried to let her make little decisions throughout the day to increase the chances that she would feel special, like what to have for dinner. She requested 'long noodles with sauce on the side' aka, spaghetti -- and it was a big hit with both of the kids. They didn't always like spaghetti, but thanks to Lady and the Tramp, Clara has seen how much fun spaghetti can be to eat.

and sometimes it's a really good thing that Jonathan want's to be just like his sister!

After dinner, Clara wanted to go for a walk. We used to go for a walk together most evenings once it cooled off some, but it's been difficult to keep that up with her being in Tiny Tots. We haven't been able to go for as many walks so that she can get to bed at a reasonable hour, since she has to be up early in the morning.

We couldn't find Jonathan's sunglasses. Thankfully, Clara has more than enough spares!

The sunset was beautiful, as always around here.

Makes me miss the beach even more!

When we go for a walk we pass a park with this really tall slide. The first time Clara climbed up and went down all by herself she was soooo proud. It has become a ritual since then, anytime we pass it she has to go down the slide once before we can go on with our walk.

After our walk we sent Jonathan off to bed and got ready for our slumber party. Clara wanted to wear a princess dress. She narrowed her choices down to either Sleeping Beauty or Snow White, because 'both of those princesses slept in their dress'. She decided on Snow White because it had short sleeves. She said she didn't need long sleeves like Sleeping Beauty because it was hot outside. Perfectly Logical!

We brought blankets and pillows into the living room to camp out in front of the TV so we could watch Muppets Take Manhattan. Funny thing, apparently in Clara's mind Kermit the Frog looks a lot like Jiminy Cricket. So much so that she would tell me I was wrong -- Jiminy is a frog, not a cricket, and he was the one who married Mrs. Piggy. I would even point it out to her everytime they said his name in the movie, but she wasn't buying it, after all they called him Phil in the movie too when he had amnesia. Trust her, that's Jiminy the Frog!

Clara was really curious about how to make popcorn, so I let her watch it pop in the microwave. I only popped one of those mini bags, because I'm not always in the mood for popcorn. She ate the whole bag herself, minus the handful I threw to Clemson (He likes popcorn a lot).

We painted our toes to match while we watched the movie.

I even taught Clara how to throw the popcorn up and catch it in her mouth!

At 11:30pm I tucked her into my bed. We had watched our movies, ate popcorn and m&m's, painted our toes and even played a couple rounds of Hi-O Cheerio! It was a good time!

Oddly enough, an 11:30pm bed time does NOT mean she'll sleep in the next day. She was up at 7am this morning! UGH!


  1. I'm glad the slumber party was a success and Clara had such a special day. If she wants Jiminy to be a frog, especially on her special day, then a frog he is. And Clara certainly is brave to go down that sliding board by herself.

  2. It looks like you had a great slumber party. If Clara wants to share popcorn with Grandma Gina we definitely have to fix more than one little bag. I love popcorn. What a beautiful sunset!! Looks like Fresno is in competition with Phoenix. Take care and give Clara and Jonathan big hugs and kisses from Grandma Gina and Grandpa Vic, the Fat Man.
