Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Good Nap

Clara started zoo camp this week. She was so excited all weekend knowing this was finally the week zoo camp started. She was awake when I went in her room Monday morning at 7:15am (not a common thing in our house) and she sang a zoo song the whole 45 min drive there the first day. She loves it! It's more structured than I thought it would be, which I'm more than pleased with and she is having so much fun! She was so excited to meet all new friends and to learn about zoo animals. There's about 12-15 kids ages 3-5 in her class and there's easily 5 teachers, so they're well staffed. Clara said most of the kids in there were already 5, I'd be surprised if any were actually 3. They do projects and games in the education building at the zoo and then each day they walk into the zoo to visit about 3 different animals. Clara got to see the giraffes, zebras, bears and seals/sea lions yesterday and today they went to see the stingrays and sharks and they saw some crabs as well. As gas prices have been rising this summer I have been wondering whether or not it was a good thing to have signed Clara up for zoo camp, seeing as how it's a 45 min drive each way each day, but now I look forward to next year when I can sign Jonathan up as well (as long as he's potty trained by then). Hopefully, he'll be potty trained well before next summer. They'll even be able to be in the same class! Imagine...3 hours a day with no kids!

Anyway, the kids are adjusting to the early mornings with earlier naps and less flexible bedtimes. Today Clara slept so well for her nap that she thought it was morning when she got up. I think it helped that I had also laid down for a nap in my bed. She came in my room saying, "Mommy, Look!" holding out her shirt. I had no idea what she was referring to. We had changed her shirt after zoo camp this morning because it was still wet from the stingray bay. She said, "I forgot to change it." I told her it was fine, we had changed her into it because the other one was wet. She said, "but I forgot to put on my pajamas." OHHHHH! I finally understood her concern! It took me about 15 min to explain to her that she had not slept through the night, that it was not morning, but afternoon. Just as I thought she understood, I asked her if she was ready to go play outside with her friends, she looked at me puzzled and said, "You mean after breakfast?" I don't think she fully understood until we went outside. It was pretty funny, she's never gotten confused like that before.

I snapped a couple pics of Clara at zoo camp when I dropped her off and picked her up, but I'm going to wait to post them until I get a couple more (hopefully some better ones) later this week.

1 comment:

  1. Zoo Camp - what a GREAT idea! I'm sure it's going to be SO much fun - what a great opportunity! Good luck with the "early" mornings - I know 7:15 is WAY early for you guys! But you should enjoy the earlier bedtimes that will follow as a result! :)
