Saturday, July 12, 2008

Swim Lessons

Thursday and Friday were the last 2 days of swim lessons for the kids, so I got to hang out and watch the progress they had made. I took lots of pics since Chris couldn't be there -- both kids learned a good bit.

Clara's Lessons

I mentioned before that the lessons were given in someone's backyard pool. I didn't think to get a pic of the whole pool, but you can see the length of it in this pic. Clara's class is on the steps at the closer end here, waiting their turns, and the diving board is on the far end -- It's not too big at all, which makes it all the more impressive what they do. Here Clara is pushing off the steps to swim to her teacher.

Clara swimming underwater

Clara swimming on her back. Her teacher said that what she needs to work on is keeping her body straight. You can see in this pic that her bottom is kinda lagging, the teacher suggested I work on this with her and she'll be able to advance to the next level!

The second day Clara was a little straighter

Jumping off the side of the pool

Getting ready for the diving board

'Walking her toes up to the edge'

And the jump! She jumped off the diving board 3 more times on the second day, but I missed getting it on camera each time for one reason or another. Once the kids jump in, their teacher is waiting in the pool to help them orient themselves then to guide them toward the wall. They swim to the wall and then 'walk their hands' along the wall until they get to the steps to climb out. I thought it was great that they taught them those little things as well!

Clara with her teacher, Ms. Kristen

Jonathan's Lessons

Here's what Jonathan does for most of his lesson -- holds on to Ms. Mimi with a monkey hold (arms and legs)

Every once in a while she dunks him underwater

And teaches him how to kick

He tried to go limp when they attempted to make him stand on the diving board

Still, they swung him off as though he jumped on his own

They even taught him how to get out of the water on his own!

I think this is his favorite part!

The first day I watched, Jonathan did fine for the first couple minutes until he realized I was still there, and then he started crying and didn't stop until Ms. Mimi let him come to me about 5 min before the end of class. The second day I hid behind some chairs so I could see what he had learned -- he did great when he didn't know I was there. I hope by next year he's more willing to go to 'strangers'. He spent the full first week crying this year, not because he was scared of the water, but because I had left him with a stranger.

Clara did fantastic!!! I am so impressed with all that she can do -- she's miles ahead of where I was at 4, I mean really, she jumped off the diving board!

They gave each of the kids a little certificate of accomplishment on the last day. Clara is soooo proud!


  1. That's AWESOME Torie! The kids did great! Sounds like the moral of the story is that Jonathan's crying is just for YOU!!! So glad they did so great!

  2. Jonathan comes by this honestly. I used to leave Chris off at day care and he would cry and hang on to my leg making me feel real guilty all the way to work. One day the lady at the desk said, "He never cries when his Father brings him in." I looked at Chris and asked him why he didn't cry when his Father brought him and cried when I was the one leaving him. His response, "Just for you Mom." I told him I wasn't impressed and he stopped crying when I would take him to day care.
