Friday, September 5, 2008


Speaking of Jonathan's choice of accessories...This is how he chose to go pick up Clara from school today...

Look closely at the feet!

Notice -- I had dressed him in nice BOYS' clothes today, but there's no stopping him. It gets even better, these particular princess shoes have heels that light up bright blue when you walk. When we arrived to Clara's preschool there was a man in the lobby who was the grandfather to one of Clara's classmates. The sight of the Cinderella shoes on Jonathan made him snicker, but then when he noticed them light up as well, the poor man couldn't stop laughing. Finally, when he regained composure, he looked at me with the most serious face he could muster and said, "I'm available for counsel this afternoon." Apparently he was indeed a counselor. I simply laughed and said, "It's just not a battle I choose to fight right now."

And for the record, Jonathan lost his slipper 2 times as he was running on the way home!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you have a counselor readily available. I can only imagine what people think when they see Jonathan in all his outfits. Of course I have one of him in his Ruby Red Slippers on my locker....
