Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Clara's 1st Day of Preschool

Clara started Preschool today!!!! She was sooo excited. Both kids were still sound asleep when I went in to wake them up at 7:10am this morning. Jonathan, for one, was not at all excited to see me 2 hours earlier than normal, but we pushed through it. By the time we had breakfast and Clara was dressed, she was so excited she could hardly stand it. She has a new backpack with her name embroidered on it -- purple, of course. I'm not sure which part she was more excited about -- her new school or her new backpack!

Here's the preschooler all dressed and ready to head to school. The Child Development Center (CDC) is only about a 10 min walk from our house, so I gave Clara a jacket since it was a little chilly so early in the morning.

We found her cubby and put her backpack on the hook underneath.

We put on her name tag, and then Clara found a place on the rug with her friends and teacher, Mrs. Lorraine.

I guess every year they go with a theme - this year is a barnyard theme.

When I came back to pick Clara up, I got her to stand with her teachers, Mrs. Tiffany and Mrs Lorraine, so I could get a picture. Mrs. Lorraine told me, "Clara did great in school today. She's really bright." I explained that was exactly why she was there, she's too bored with me at home. She needs the stimulation.

Clara was particularly excited because today was one of the other kids' birthday, so she got a cookie to bring home. How much better does it get? She even offered to share it with Jonathan "since he's not big enough to go to school and get his own". That girl makes me sooo proud!

This pic is particularly for Chris. He filed a formal complaint with me after my trip to Phoenix because I'm not in any pics, so I got a friend to snap this one of me and the kids on the way out of preschool this morning. Jonathan still insists on wearing those boots -- what are you gonna do?! People are always commenting on Jonathan's appearance, whether it's the boots, sunglasses or the beaded necklaces and bracelets he gets out of Clara's room. Today as 2 of the other kids' fathers passed us by, I heard Jonathan's outfit had sparked a conversation, "I wish I could dress like that...."


  1. I'm so glad Clara was excited about starting Pre School. She is such a bright young lady and I know she is going to do well. Maybe we can meet her teachers when we come for our visit in October.

  2. I am so impressed with Miss Clara. She looks so grown up. It just doesn't seem possible she is in preschool already. And so thoughtful to share her cookie with Jonathan. As for the way he dresses--all children go through it. I remember Bobby having a fit because Anna wore a wool knit hat everywhere she went--in NC in August! Let me get back to work. Love you.

  3. I'm SO glad it went so well. I bet Jonathan missed her though! He probably had a VERY good nap after getting up so early. It's great that it's close enough to walk to. She looks SO grown up!!! I can't believe it!
