Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Jonathan Poops!!!!

Just wanted to share the good news!!! Jonathan pooped in the potty!!!! It was a traumatic thing for him, but he did GREAT!!!! He told me he had to go poo so I stripped him down and sat him on the little potty in front of the TV knowing that it would take a while. He fought it. When it finally happened, he cried and jumped up. Clara and I cheered for him. He continued to cry, but was clapping his hands for himself. I don't think he knew what to think, but it's one giant step. I don't know that he's totally ready for potty training, but my main objective right now is to just get him comfortable with the whole process. We're doing good so far!!!!!
I'm off to clean the carpet now :)


  1. Why does every kid fight it so much! hopefully the worst is over for him and it's smooth sailing from here on out! :)

  2. YEAH PEEPEE, YEAH POOPOOOO, Hey little buddy daddy misses you and I am proud of you for your good progress at potty training. I love you!!!!
