Sunday, October 19, 2008

'A Different Kind of 2'

Tuesday was my birthday -- I turned 'a different kind of 2', according to Clara. You see, Jonathan is 2...I am now a 'different kind of 2'! I celebrated by going to the dentist -- who, unfortunately found 2 cavities...I don't like that kind of 2.

Chris sent me these beautiful flowers!

After dinner I came into the dining room to see it had been decorated like this. Clara and Momok had gone to Walmart earlier in the day to pick up a few things. Since Momok couldn't get back on base without me, I drove them there, and picked up a couple things myself!

Clara made me this wonderful card.

At Walmart, Clara picked out my cake and told the lady in the bakery what to write on it. Funny...that seems like more than 2 candles!

When you turn 'a different kind of 2', you need a little help with blowing out all those candles!

The birthday girl cutting the cake.


See, I told you I picked up some things at Walmart as well -- Sleeping Beauty and Hotwheels!


  1. How funny - a different kind of 2!!! Glad you got to celebrate...something tells me that if your family hadn't been there, it wouldn't have been quite the same. I love Clara's card! :) Happy Birthday to you - oh, and the flowers were BEAUTIFUL!

  2. Happy birthday, Love!
    I saw Bryers Mint Choc Chip....MY FAVORITE!!!
