Sunday, October 19, 2008

Momok and Momok's Visit

Chris' parents came to visit us last week and stayed the full week. We had a lot of fun with them. Here's a sampling of pics that don't really fit under any other heading. Jonathan called both Grandma and Grandpa, "Momok" this time, we had to listen really hard and determine through context whether he was speaking to Momok, Popok or Mama.

Last Saturday night we arranged to meet them as they came into to town at a restaurant to grab some dinner. After dinner we came back to the house and it didn't take long for the kids to get Momok playing Batman with them.

Jonathan showed Momok his car driving out NASCAR!

There's always time to veg in front of the TV.

The kids loved wrestling with Popok in the recliner before bedtime.

Jonathan ran quality assurance on the things coming from the kitchen.

One of Jonathan's favorite things was to climb up in the recliner with Popok and about 6 matchbox cars. Then, while sitting in Popok's lap, he drove each car off the front of the chair. He'd get down and throw them back up into Popok's lap one by one and then climb back up and start all over again. This kept him occupied for long periods of time.

We had a great visit. We went to the pumpkin patch and Yosemite, and even celebrated someone's birthday :) Momok and Popok got to come along to preschool and dance class. It was a good week!

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