Sunday, October 19, 2008

Yosemite in October

Monday we headed to Yosemite because neither Vic nor Virginia had ever been. The water was once again gone from the waterfalls, only a mist coming from Bridalveil falls. Virginia already has plans to head back up there when she comes back in June for Clara's dance recital -- the waterfalls should be in full force then!

Momok and Popok with the kids.

The 'Fat Man' and my Little Man

Clara brought along her camera this time. Here she is getting Momok to pose for a picture.

My siamese twins...for some reason this is getting to be their signature pose.

Momok and Popok in front of a Giant Sequoia

Posing with Momok and Popok

The kids and I

Acting silly

Clara and Momok hugging a tree

These are the roots of a fallen Giant Sequoia

I love the color of the bark on the Giant Sequoias

Posing at Tunnel View

Bridalveil Falls, mostly dried up.

The river bed was dry

Half Dome

Our picnic

Just after we sat down, 8 deer came to join us for lunch. They came right up to the fence near our table. One jumped to our side near us. Others jumped the fence further away and we all held our breath as they ran across the busy street leading through Yosemite. 2 stayed behind to munch on some grass.


1 comment:

  1. it's just amazing to see. The picture of the roots froma sequoia is just unreal! Such beauty!!!
