Sunday, November 30, 2008

Daddy Goes to Preschool

As excited as Clara was that Chris was coming home on Monday morning, she was a little upset that it meant she had to miss school. I easily put that to rest by suggesting that Chris go to school with her on Weds. Clara was so excited she could hardly contain herself, and Chris couldn't wait either, especially since he had to go into work for a little while on Tuesday. He didn't feel so bad about having to spend that time at work, knowing he would be able to go to school with Clara the next day. I was a little jealous since I have yet to stay in Clara's class with her - they don't really like for you to bring you other children (Jonathan) in with you, so I made Chris take the camera with them for their special morning.

Show and Tell.

Instead of doing regular 'Show and Tell' Clara's school does 'literacy bags'. Each week the kids are given a brown lunch sack with a letter on the outside and they are to bring in one thing, that fits in the bag, and begins with that letter to share with the class. It helps teach the kids look around and start thinking about what letter the objects in their world start with. It also gives you some insight into what's important to the child. Clara started with a strong 'princess theme' to her choices: A was Ariel, B was Belle, C was her Camera (though Cinderella was a close contender), D was a picture of her Daddy and Dog, E was an Envelope, F was a Feather Fan, G was a Goat, and H was a Heart that she cut out of construction paper and decorated on her own. Mrs. Lorraine accidentally skipped over G and did H first, so last week they went back and did G. Here's Clara showing her classmates her Goat puzzle piece.

I sent Chris and Clara in with some 'Green Gooey Goop' I made in honor of G week. It was a huge hit!

Clara and her friend Callie in the art area.

Chris and Clara both had a great time. Chris got to see her school and and meet her teachers and friends -- a chance to see what she's been up to while he's been away.

1 comment:

  1. how fun for them to have the morning together at school! And do pass along the recipe for the gooey green goop - i have some boys that would LOVE it!
