Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I LOVE Jet Noise...

...Especially when that jet is bringing my husband home to me!
I know everyone must be curious, and yes, Chris made it home safely Monday morning on time. They didn't get to fly over in formation as expected due to the's that time of year again! The kids in I were there in time to watch the planes fly over and land, despite a 15 min. search for a parking spot. I only got a few pics of the homecoming (I was too busy hugging and crying to take too many), but Chris is spending the morning with Clara at preschool today and I made him take the camera, since I haven't yet had the privilege of going to school with her. So I'll try and upload the pictures later today.
I wanted to thank everyone for the prayers and support you extended to me and my family over the last 6 months. Knowing that our friends and family were thinking of us helped keep us sane and the prayers helped keep us strong and brought my husband home safe where he belongs. We are a very lucky bunch!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I've been DYING to see these pictures! SO glad he's home safely!
