Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Portraits of a Dog

So apparently, my husband has really enjoyed reading the blog and seeing the pics while he's been gone on this deployment. In addition to that, he knows I've always wanted to take a photography class. So as a gift he purchased a new high-tech camera for me, a Nikon D80 Digital SLR camera to be exact (with extra lenses and tripod). He ordered it online and had it sent to the house. I received it today and was afraid to take anything out of the box...I haven't actually taken a photography class yet :)

I did eventually get it out of the box and put it together just long enough to take a couple pics of my only available model at the moment, Clemson (it's nap time for the kids).

As you can see, Clemson was really in to this photo shoot. Poor Clemson is in need of a bath. He has an appointment with the groomer Friday.
I don't know what I am doing. I simply took a few pics and got a few dirty looks from the dog. It seems I have an instruction manual to a minimum. Still, I thought I'd share my first pics with my new camera, so you can appreciate how much I hope to improve after learning a few things about how a camera actually works!
I have the battery charging now...Maybe Clemson and I can do a new photo shoot after his date with the groomer, and after I've had a chance to read a little of the owner's manual!
Thanks Baby!


  1. hilarious. i wish i was a better photographer - i think a photography class would be sooo fun!

  2. We actually knew about the camera. Thank God we were able to keep the secret and not spoil your surprise.

  3. I have never been fortunate enough to take a photography class, but it is on my list of things to do before I die. Hopefully I have plenty of time to get this done :)

    I don't have a good digital camera like this, but I have done some photos with my old Nikon 8008 film camera. It was great in its day. I am probably going to bring this camera back out because I got much better pics with it than I do with my digital. With the digital I have I get a pic 1 or 2 seconds after I push the button. Don't worry, your D80 won't have that problem.

    I learned a lot from this site: You may find some useful info on there as well.

    Greg D.

  4. I found this blog that listed the camera type....what extra lenses?
