Monday, December 15, 2008

School Days

Chris didn't have to go in to work on Friday, so I had a chance to go hang out in Clara's classroom for a while. It was a lot of fun. Clara was so excited to show me around and introduce me to all her friends.

Clara made snowflakes with Mrs. Lorraine

Ta-da! Snowflakes!

We played dress-up for a while. It's difficult to see in this picture, but she has curlers in her hair -- too cute!

Clara's class hasn't been able to go outside much lately due to the weather. It hasn't been raining , but it's fog season and the dense fog leaves everything wet outside. Instead, the kids had a chance to dance around for a while with the ribbons.

I had so much fun hanging out with Clara. She liked 'being in charge' for a change. Since it's a place that she knows more about and is more familiar with, she was able to call all the shots about what area we were in and what we played with. She showed me how things worked and how many kids were allowed in each area. I even got to see the 2 chickens they've hatched in the classroom incubator!

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