Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Big Boy Bed - Take 2

Once we got home and the morning sickness hit me in a bad way, and Chris decided to pass up his school in San Diego, he set up a game plan to tackle some obstacles/milestones we've been wanting to achieve around here. Suddenly he had time to face them and wasn't running low on patience as I had been just before he returned from deployment. The first order of business was Jonathan's crib conversion. Some of you may remember, we tried this once, just before Chris left on deployment, but Jonathan was clear when he told us he was NOT ready! This time went much more smoothly!

In the morning, just after Chris converted the crib, Jonathan was excited!

He even tried out jumping in his bed a little.

At naptime, he climbed right in ready to sleep...only the excitement didn't wear off so soon, so it was about an hour later when he actually fell asleep. Still, he stayed in the bed the whole time.

He was still asleep when we went in after his nap!

Tucked in with a blanket at bed time! Such a happy and proud smile!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I can understand the excitement of a new big boy bed. Jonathan is getting soooo big and just as Clara is a wonderful big sister, Jonathan will be a great big brother to Scribbles.
