Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Miscellaneous Cuteness

See all those stuffed animals? Every single one of them has a button to push, to make them sing and dance...which came to be a favorite pastime for the kids. Esp. Jonathan, who would then stand and dance in front of them all!

Jonathan and his favorite furry friend, "Blue dog".

Jonathan and his favorite 'real' furry friend, Clemson. That's right, Clemson got to come on vacation with us! The first night we were there he bolted out the backdoor expecting to find the typical grassy backyard he's used to, and instead found himself in a cold in-ground swimming pool...he didn't make that mistake again!

My reasons for everything...including subjecting myself to this morning sickness one last time!

1 comment:

  1. Everything you go through is worth the outcome. When you hold that baby for the first time there is no better feeling. I alwyas have to take my finger and rub the cheek and forehead and ask my Mom what she thinks. I know she's smiling.
