Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So it doesn't look like much -- according to Clara it just looks like a bunch of scribbles. In fact, when I told her I was going to post these, she told me to be sure to tell everyone that it's a picture of the baby, because they may not think it looks like one! Still - today Chris and I got our first look of this little miracle and heard the heartbeat chugging away like a train! Is there any better sound when you're pregnant?

In this first one it's hard to see the baby, but the scribbles on the bottom show the baby's heartbeat at 180 bpm!

and there's the little munchkin! The head is towards the left, and body towards the right. I can't wait to see the baby in more detail in the next ultrasound, but for now we know the baby is growing on schedule (approx. 8 wks, 4 days) and the heartbeat is strong and healthy...what more could I ask for?

Many have asked what we hope to have...since we have already been blessed with a boy and a girl, we really don't have much of an opinion. However, Clara has put in a strong suggestion for a girl (as she did when I was pregnant with Jonathan). In the event that we actually have a girl, Clara thinks we should name her Ariel, after her favorite princess (Don't worry mom, it's not going to happen!) For now, I told her we could call the baby 'Scribbles', she's not so sure about that idea.


  1. Ohhh, Such beautiful pictures. I could even tell before reading which way teh head was. I look at them and once again realize that this is my legacy continuing on and I know this can only be termed a miracle. As for Aerial, I could think of worse names......I can't wait either to see how he/she grows. Thanks for sharing. Love you.


  2. Does the heart beat sound like a washing machine to you?

  3. I am down with "scribbles". Your daughter is hilarious.

  4. Those are wonderful pictures and I love the nickname Scribbles. Ariel's not a bad name at least. My sister refused to share her name choice for her son and actually told everyone that they were naming him Fergus (they didn't). Ariel is a huge step up from that. I love that she insisted you let everyone know what the pictures were of in case we couldn't tell.

  5. there's nothing like it, is there? So exciting! what's your due date again? I know you're a few weeks behind me, so August something?
