Thursday, February 5, 2009

Mom Knows Best

So I'm sure I've mentioned a few times that both of my kids (as well as myself) are picky eaters. One of the few cooked vegetables my kids will eat is green beans. I like to make fresh green beans rather than the canned ones. I just really can't get myself to eat the canned ones anymore, and have gotten the fresh ones down to a science: Just add a cup of water and 4.5 minutes in the microwave in my Pampered Chef steam bowl, drain water, add butter, sprinkle with Seasoned Salt and Viola! the kids love them.
A few weeks ago while I was being puny, Chris made green beans with dinner. He is used to cooking them in the electric steamer for 35 minutes. I told him it's so much faster to do it in the microwave for a few minutes. So he pacified me by cooking them in the microwave, but only for about 3 minutes. Clara was sure to tell him she didn't like them that crunchy and refused to finish them.
The other night Chris was late coming home from work, so I threw together a quick dinner for the kids and myself with green beans as a side (He's still been doing most of the cooking since food is still a bit of an 'iffy' subject for me). When Chris came home from work the kids were still sitting at the table finishing their dinner. The first thing Clara said to Chris when he came in was, "See Daddy, this is how I like green beans, like mommy makes them, not crunchy like you made them!"

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the new look of your blog! Such a cute header!
