Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Princess Clara

Grandma Yonka and Grandpa Michael sent the kids cards for Valentine's Day. The kids love receiving mail - esp. cards. Grandma and Grandpa really know how to pick them. Both of Clara's cards were Disney Princess-themed to which Clara's response was, "Awww, they must know that I really like princesses!"

Each of the kids got one card that played music (Jonathan's even had a recorded message from Grandma and Grandpa), and one card with some sort of art project within it. Jonathan hasn't colored his yet, but here's a picture of Clara's finished project -- a bracelet and crown decorated by stickers!

I'm in trouble, she has learned to pose!

Thank You Grandma Yonka and Grandpa Michael!


  1. "There she is, Miss America. . . " That's my girl!!! Love you Clara. I'm glad you like your princess cards. You will always be our little princess.

  2. What a beautiful princess you are Clara. You look so grown up in this picture. We Love you!!
