Sunday, March 22, 2009

17 Weeks

I got Clara to take a picture of me today so I could show you how 'not-pregnant' I look. I am 17 weeks today and just starting to get a bit of a belly, but nothing really noticeable to anyone but myself! My last appointment was this past Friday. The baby's heartbeat was in the 15o's and, really, at this point that's all there is to say. They'll be ordering my next ultrasound soon. They said it's best to have that done at 19-20 weeks, so we're looking forward to that. I've heard there's a great chance that I'll get to have it in 3-D and Chris will be home for it, so it should be pretty cool! Hopefully within the next month I'll be able to tell you all whether we'll be welcoming a new baby boy or girl into our family!


  1. Actually, your mother can see that little belly too.

  2. Yeah, looking at that pic on a widescreen monitor suddenly makes me look more pregnant :)

  3. you look great - and you're right....still pretty teeny tiny!! just wait - i think i pretty much exploded at 19 weeks. crazy.
