Tuesday, April 21, 2009

According to Clara...

Yesterday Clara was excited about the knowledge that Chris and I were going for the ultrasound today that would tell us the gender of the baby. After a little thought she asked Chris, "How can they tell?"
Chris said, "If we're lucky they'll be able to see the baby's bottom."
To which Clara replied, "I know, If there's something hanging down, then it's a boy and if there's nothing hanging down it's a girl!" Smart kid!

Clara also informed me. "When I tell you I love you 'This much' (holding her arms open wide), that's not all I love you, but I can't reach anymore...but as I get bigger, I can reach more 'cause my arms will get longer. But don't worry, 'cause I'm growing a little bit all the time, so as my arms get bigger I'll love you more! I'll love you more and more each day!"

1 comment:

  1. The love you this much saying is one of the cutest things I've ever heard of a kid saying. Tell her if she hangs by her hands from the monkey bars she may increase her capacity to love.
