Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Clara got to head back to the dentist today for her 6 month check up. She's been excited since sometime last week when I told her it was coming up. From the time she got up this morning she was constantly asking one of us, "Guess what?! I get to go to the dentist today!!!!!" You can certainly tell she is my child -- who else gets this excited about going to the dentist!

Clara in the waiting room -- she was beaming until the camera came out, then the goofy smiles began!

Even Jonathan was excited for her!

Chris was off from work this morning so I sat out in the waiting room while Chris and Jonathan accompanied Clara into the back. Chris doesn't get to go along for Dr./dentist visits often due to work, so he's always excited when he can go along and hear/see how well things are going. Plus,I want to get Jonathan used to seeing how things work at the dentist, so that when it's his turn, he can truly share in Clara's excitement, and know there's nothing to fear. Still I stayed in the waiting room, just in case Jonathan should get a little unruly or become a distraction. He never came out, until the appointment was over.

Clara's flashing those pearly whites.

Time for fluoride

One final rinse.

Clara did great! Still no cavities and stellar marks on her brushing! Jonathan still wouldn't sit in the chair at the end of the appointment...maybe in 6 more months!

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