Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Old Wives' Tales

Apparently I was wrong, the old wives' tale actually states that if you're carrying high, it's a girl...and low means boy. I certainly carried Jonathan much higher, it was difficult to sit later in that pregnancy due to the pressure he'd put on my ribs. However, there's another myth that boys are carried more in the front, where with girls the weight is distributed all around...maybe that's what I mistook for Jonathan being higher than Clara.
I went in search for other wives tales last night just for fun. I found a couple websites with quizzes compiled of questions based on old wives' tales. According to the 3 quizzes I took, the probability is higher for a girl. I'm still thinking boy though, mainly due to comparisons with my first 2 pregnancies. The myths that I did find to be true for me: My weight was distributed more 'all over' when I was pregnant with Clara (but then I had preeclampsia to account for most of that weight). My face was rounder with Clara and longer with Jonathan. I broke out with some serious acne with Clara and not with Jonathan. And finally, the morning sickness was worse with Clara than with Jonathan.
By all those accounts, I'm still going with boy as my guess. My weight is only in my belly so far this time, no more acne than usual and I've retained my longer face shape. The only thing that differs is that the morning sickness this time around has been the worst of all 3.
There were other old wives' tales about cravings, how cold my feet are, the color of my urine and how fast the hair is growing on my legs. Most of those pointed my probability towards girl, but those are negligible since I always crave salty foods over sweet, whether pregnant or not. My feet are always warm, the hair growth on my legs has actually slowed in each of my pregnancies (that wasn't an option on any of the quizzes) and the color of my urine depends on my water intake...just like anyone else.
So now it's just wait and see if I'm right or the quizzes are :)

1 comment:

  1. can't WAIT to hear. those wives tales have always been hilarious to read...but not usually right for me! :)
