Wednesday, May 27, 2009

CA Redwoods

We left San Francisco and headed to Monterey. Chris looked at the map and realized the CA Redwoods were along the way, so we decided to make a pit stop to check them out. We took a trip to see the Giant Sequoia's just after we moved out here to CA, but it still amazes me to see trees so big. They were beautiful. I love looking at the bark on these trees. None of the pics that we took do any justice to the height of these trees, but it was a nice little hike along our way.

(They're holding hands!)

Stopping for some family pics

My Little Buddy

Love the criss-cross pattern of the bark on this tree.

My Baby Girl

This is probably the best example of the height of the Redwoods, even if this particular tree is on the ground. The kids had fun balancing on it.

Wearing his Dinosaur rain boots!

Jonathan was not a happy camper anymore. This was day 4 of our vacation, so he had many nights of restless sleep in a strange bed built up, paired with poor eating habits, and just all around lack of routine...he wanted to be carried. We had the stroller, but he insisted on being carried - by me no less. We did not give in, no matter how much he screamed, or how slow he walked. The woods didn't seem quite so peaceful with a screaming 2.5yr old walking through. I think we eventually threw him back in the stroller just so we could get him out of there!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was rich and could spend a lot of time traveling. Then when I came to see you in August I would go see all these places. I would love to see the sea lions. I was really stupid--didn;t realize until your brother Christopher went to Alaska that the sea lions were all over the place--he had pictures once on line that showed them. And I am totally blown away by the sequioias and the redwoods. I would just love to see them. I keep saying it's time to win the lottery--but I will never win it if I don;t play it, and right now there are more important things to spend money on.
