Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Golden Gate Bridge

We headed out our last night in San Francisco to try and get some pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge at sunset. We did great on timing at first...

I took this pic from the car window as we drove toward the bridge.

This pic was once again from the car, just before we turned to go over the bridge.

There was a look out spot just on the the other side of the bridge. We were finally able to get some pics to show the color of the bridge, without the haze. It was very cold and very windy that evening, so I got out of the van my own to snap some pics while Chris and the kids took their time getting out. About the time Chris and the kids got out of the van, I was heading back to change camera lenses. Chris and the kids went to take a look, while I changed the lens, and then headed back out to take a few more pics. As I was getting out of the van I did a quick look around for the keys, and then knowing that Chris always sticks them in his pocket, locked the doors (keeping in mind all the signs posted around the lot instructing you to do so) and headed out. Just as I closed the door, Chris came back and said, "Do you have the keys?" I said "You're kidding, right?" - He wasn't. I talked him out of breaking a window and into phoning our insurance company, with whom I'm sure we had roadside assistance. Thankfully, they got someone out to unlock the door for us, and since it was an employee of the Golden Gate Bridge Park (government)...we didn't have to pay anything. It only took about 15 minutes once Chris got off the phone with USAA, during which time we were huddled up in the ladies restroom, with me fuming mad at Chris for not putting the keys in his pocket, and the kids completely oblivious, just having fun warming their hands under the hand dryers!

I snapped this pic while the nice man was prying the door to my van open!

Once we were back in the van, we went in search of another place to take sunset/night pics of the bridge. We missed out on sunset thanks to our set back, but Chris stood out in the freezing cold to get some night pics.

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