Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Little Gym

I finally managed to get some pics of Clara in her Little Gym class. My neighbor's boys take gymnastics there as well, and they were making up a class today during Clara's class. I asked her if she'd mind keeping an eye on Jonathan while I went in and took pics. She was kind enough to agree. I took along the big camera, figuring it would allow me to sit in the corner and take pics from a distance and not be a distraction to Clara's class, but I didn't take into account that I'd still have to move around a little to get the right angles, where you could see Clara's face, and not have other children in the way of the pictures. In other words, I should have taken my smaller lens. I was sitting much too close to be using the lens I had with me, and as a result, the camera had a difficult time focusing and I ended up with a lot of blurry pictures...Lesson learned for next time! Regardless, here are some of the pictures I took tonight.

At the beginning of class, each child was given a balloon and a tennis racket to hit it with.

Clara did pretty good keeping up with her balloon.

After a forward roll at 'station 1'

Another skill in 'station 1' was to to jump over this rope. (all the pictures I took of her actually jumping over, cut off her head since I had the bigger lens with me)

A 'high 5' for a job well done!

Love the smiles on my kids' faces while they're at this place!

They line the kids up in 'trains' to move them from one station to the next.

Check out those muscles!

They practiced little hops across the high balance beam at 'station 2'

And did 'big bear walks' across the bars in 'station 3'

They also practiced backwards rolls in 'station 3'

Here, Clara is trying to lift her feet up to the bar...she almost has it!

The last activity in today's class was the 'magic carpet ride'. They get the kids to lay on a mat and the teachers pulls them across the big logs to the other side.

The pics didn't turn out as great as I had hoped, but Clara was still having a blast! I'll have to try again some other time.

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