Sunday, July 26, 2009

My Little Photogs!

About a week ago, the kids got a hold of my camera and decided to take some pictures. I deleted most of what they took, but there were a few that were worth keeping:

Clara wanted to get Jonathan to pose, but he just wanted the camera for himself.

When she didn't give him the camera right away, he decided she couldn't take his picture either, so he hid under the blanket with me.

Later, he decided to put his smile on for her

He never sits that well for me to take his pic!

Then it was Jonathan's turn!

He wanted me to stand up where Clara typically takes my 'belly shots' for me, but all of those pics that he took were just of my foot or the wall/floor. Then he started calling out the superhero poses he usually gives me at the end of those shoots...this is my Spiderman!

Jonathan's 'Blue Dog' posed for him

and so did his 'Brown Dog'...(I know my kids are really original when it comes to naming their furry friends!)

I know this pic may not seem like much to anyone else -- but I happen to love Jonathan's feet. I don't know why, but I have always thought he has the cutest feet I've ever, of course, I couldn't delete this one, even if it is a little blurry!

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I have a pic of Ava's feet in an ultrasound. I figured, since I FELT them so often, I ought to have a momento.
