Friday, September 18, 2009

Visit with Grandma and Grandpa

I am so far behind with my blogging, and the sad part is that it's not like I have a lot of pics of the past few weeks to chronicle Matthew's first weeks of life. Since my parents left and with Chris still gone, I have scarcely had time for much more than the necessities, and when I do get a moment, I choose to use it to do absolutely nothing. As a result, the blog is just the least of the things that has suffered (you should see the mess the house is in!) Perhaps, the person who has suffered the most is Chris. He's been understanding, but today, finally broke down and asked for more pics of Matthew. I feel bad that I have not kept him more posted on Matthew and the rest of us here at here's to catching up!

Jonathan LOVES to hold Matthew. He asks to do it all the time, and gets really upset when the answer is 'no'. I try to let the kids hold Matthew as much as they like, but sometimes I just can't sit with them to watch over them, or it's just not a good time for Matthew. Jonathan doesn't understand these things so much.

Grandma Yonka's Birthday

My mother celebrated her birthday while they were visiting. It was actually supposed to be the day Matthew was born as well, but as you all know he had other plans...I guess he didn't want to share his special day! Anyway, when Clara learned of Grandma's birthday she insisted we make a cake. She knew Grandma's favorite color is green, so she also insisted the cake have green frosting with green sprinkles. I suggested in that case, we make the cake look like a watermelon, and Clara was all for that. So on Grandma's birthday, the kids and I made her a watermelon cake.

Clara and the cake

Grandma Yonka didn't even have to ask for help blowing out her candles, the kids just joined in. (Of course Jonathan had spent most of the day insisting that it was everyone's birthday!)

We even added food coloring to the cake batter to make it pink, and Clara also suggested chocolate chips for seeds, but they all fell to the bottom while cooking, so you can't really see them in this pic.

First Bath

Matthew's belly button fell off the night of August 24th. So on the 25th he got his first bath. My parents went to Yosemite that day, so Clara got to take the pics to document this first milestone!

Apparently when I concentrate on trying not to drown my child, I make a horrible face, like I'm disgusted. For the record, I was not at all disgusted, but apparently making the face works, since Matthew made it through his first bath unscathed :)

He was slipping around so much, that I flipped him around upside down in his bathtub. He didn't much like his first bath. We have since resorted to just bathing him in the bathroom sink, but he still doesn't much care for baths!

Warming up in his Jammies after his first bath.

Family Pictures

The day my parents were set to leave, we realized we hadn't taken many pictures during their visit, and absolutely none of my dad with the kids, so we went out to the front yard for an impromptu photo session.

Grandma Yonka, Matthew, Clara, and Jonathan

Grandma Yonka, Matthew, Clara, Jonathan, Grandpa Michael

Grandma Yonka, Matthew, Grandpa Michael

Grandma Yonka, Grandpa Michael, Matthew, Clara, Me, Jonathan

Grandpa Michael and Matthew

So that's pretty much the condensed version of our visit with Grandma Yonka and Grandpa Michael. They had a good stay and even took the opportunity to see some of California.


  1. GREAT job catching up! it's hard enough to keep up a blog with a new baby...and my husband is HERE!!! I totally understand...but understand Chris wanting to see all these pics too! you did a GREAT job! (and even had time to make a watermelon cake? how fun is that!)

  2. Heya! Don't know if this will help or not, but when we bathed Ava, we wrapped her in a baby towel while she was sittin gin the tub, so she wouldn't get cold. It seemed to work pretty well.
