Sunday, October 18, 2009

2 Months

Matthew is 2 months old now, and while I might be his biggest fan, Jonathan is certainly his best friend. Every chance he gets, Jonathan is snuggled up next to his brother, talking to him, bringing him toys, or just holding his hand. Jonathan has always been my affectionate child, but it's truly amazing to see his love for his brother.
Matthew seemed destined at first to be another belly sleeper, as Clara and Jonathan were, but I guess I didn't start putting him on his belly soon enough for that (since they say you're not supposed to, I'm always reluctant to do it at first, until the sleep deprivation takes it's toll!) Now he's not a fan of tummy time at all, so Jonathan was hanging in there with him to make it a little more bearable!

LOVE this picture! Love these boys!

Matthew went for his 2 month appointment on Thursday and he's growing big! He was 9lbs 13oz, 21in long. His head circumference was 15.25in. He's smiling, cooing, and grasping hold of things. He holds his head up pretty well on his own, and as a result of disliking tummy time, he's already turning over from belly to back on his own. He even did that little trick for the doctor who seemed both shocked and delighted by it. He goes to bed at about 9:30pm each night and is sleeping through the night until about 7am when Clara gets up for school. He's incredibly easy going and very happy most of the time. Still, only cries when cold or hungry.

Sometimes it hits me that this is the last time I'll be experiencing all of this from this prespective and the thought saddens me. Chris and I had decided a while ago that we'd stop at 3 kids, and with this last delivery, the doctor stressed how that was the best decision for all involved (My parents and Chris' parents were all in complete agreement and had no trouble telling us so). I don't get sad so much because I know I won't have another child, as it is that it's so final. Having a little one snuggle with you, look at you until he catches your eye so he can flash you the biggest and most handsome toothless grin you've ever seen, feeling his whole hand wrap around your index finger and watching your older children interact with him in love, watching your husband be the best he can be by simply loving those's all so addicting and something I'm trying so hard to savor every moment of for now to carry with me when it's gone. I am blessed!

1 comment:

  1. I felt the same way when I had Chris and the doctor said this would be my last baby. However, as time passed God blessed me with several little ones to love and interact with. I believe Matthew is grandchild #18? I am so wonderfully blessed! Thank you for the beautiful grandchildren.
