Thursday, October 29, 2009

Christmas Shopping

It's that time of year again, Time to start thinking about what the kids want for Christmas. Last year I unwittingly introduced Clara to circling her 'wish list' in the Toys 'R' Us toy book that came in the mail. It never goes well...last year she circled the things she liked and then passed it around to all her friends on the street, who each made their own entries, making it impossible to decipher which things she had circled. This year she spotted the toy book as soon as I pulled it from the mailbox and marched straight in the house in search of a pen. This year she circled for herself and Jonathan. She was so excited to go over her work with me, but she'd point at things she had circled and say, "What's that?!" ...Really?!!!!
At least it kept her occupied for a while (with helmet on and everything)!
In the end, her big want items seem to be a Wii and a Barbie Doll. Lucky for me, I caught a good sale on the Wii about a month ago at the Exchange and decided to break down and join the wide world of gaming. Now to find some games...

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