Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Chris didn't have to go into work this past Friday, so we decided it would be a great day to visit the pumpkin patch. One thing we didn't take into account was the weather. It was a beautiful day, but hot! It was in the mid 80's that day, not exactly fall weather. So when you skip naps to go to the pumpkin patch, you can not expect to get the kids to sit still with smiles on for pictures. Somehow we still got some really cute ones...but it was not easy!
Mr. GQ, himself

My 3 Pumpkins

Matthew was the most cooperative for pictures.

Too Cute!

Clara picked a white pumpkin to take home. She was sure to ask Chris if they could keep the seeds to bake and eat this year. Last year I didn't go through the trouble, but her preschool teachers did, and she hasn't let me forget how I just threw the seeds away without letting her eat them!

After picking pumpkins, the kids played on the playground for a while. I love this picture Chris took of Jonathan.

I insisted on dragging the kids away from the playground so we could get a family picture. I was met with a lot of resistance, but allowing them to sit on the pumpkins was enough to get them to cooperate. (It's always the little things!)

Even Matthew got a kick out of sitting on the pumpkins!

My Little Pumpkin! (That's Jonathan's hand in the picture. You can't get him too far away from Matthew. We already have a ton of pics of Matthew with Jonathan's hand on Matthew's head.)

Don't ask me - She certainly doesn't get that confidence and sassiness from me!

Farmer Matthew

Farmer Clara

Farmer Jonathan

There was even a little petting zoo there -- literally, all the animals were the miniature versions of their kind: Miniature horses and donkeys and pygmy goats. The kids had a great time.

1 comment:

  1. what GREAT pictures you got - i love the family picture and the one of matthew sitting on the pumpkin!!! so cute!
