Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Big Boy Bed...Mattress

So I got tired of seeing Jonathan sleep on the floor. One night I went in to snuggle with him for a little while and after about 5 minutes, my hip hurt from laying on the floor. We can't quite figure out what kind of big boy bed to get him. We can see that the likelihood is that bunk beds are in our future for the boys, but Matthew hasn't even graduated to the crib from the bassinet and I'm not comfortable with the thought of Jonathan climbing to a top bunk. So we decided on an easy fix, we pulled in Clara's trundle mattress and threw it on Jonathan's floor.
I was afraid Jonathan still wouldn't sleep on it, so I also pulled out the car sheets I had bought a while back for when he graduated to a twin bed. Since I didn't get to buy new nursery bedding for Matthew, I searched for a matching twin set of sheets and quilt for him so that some day when we're all ready, Jonathan and Matthew will have matching quilts on their bunk beds!

For now, Jonathan's happy with just a mattress on the floor with his 'cool car sheets'.

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