Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Trick or Treat

It just occurred to me that I never got around to posting pics of the kids in their costumes on Halloween. We got lucky this year since both kids decided to dress up in costumes they already had. In fact, costumes they each received as birthday gifts this past year, so there was no last minute running around to get a costume!

Jonathan was an NFO, like his daddy. He even had authentic squadron patches on his flight suit and a cover (hat) that we borrowed from our neighbor that had been altered to fit a child! Clara was Belle. She kept curtsying like a princess for everyone.

The kids were excited about Trick or Treating, so it was difficult to get them to sit still for a picture.

Matthew wasn't in to this Halloween thing at all!

There's Clara being sassy again!

I had to get a picture of Matthew in this pumpkin costume, though it was a bit big for him. Now all 3 of my kids have worn this costume on their first Halloween. Though I'll have to say Clara wore it best, probably because she's the only one it truly fit since I originally bought it for her. Both Jonathan and Matthew were a bit too small for it on their first Halloween.

Clara (Belle) and Hunter (Pirate)

Digging in already!

Alyssa (Vampire) and Jonathan (NFO)
It's funny to see these two get along now, Jonathan used to be a bit of a bully to Alyssa, even bit her a few times, leaving a mark on at least one occasion (his 2nd birthday). It's a wonder her mom lets Jonathan go anywhere near Alyssa anymore, but it's nice to see Jonathan begin to redeem himself where Alyssa is concerned!

Halloween just wouldn't be complete without TPing someone's tree...even if we got caught!

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