Saturday, December 19, 2009

4 Months

That's right! It's been 4 months already, and he's growing big!

Matthew had his 4 month well-baby appointment on Wednesday.

At 13 lbs and 23.75in long, he has climbed up into the 10 percentile for both height and weight. He laughs and 'sings'. He has just really found his voice in the past couple days, and it seems he'll be a talker like his big sister. Anytime he has a captive audience, he doesn't stop talking! He's holding his own toys, even tries to hold his bottle sometimes, though not successfully. He's still a great sleeper, likes tummy time now, warming up to baths just a tiny bit. He has become quite the drooler, so bibs have become a necessity! He likes to sleep with a cloth diaper over his face and loves to stand. And of course, he still thinks Clara and Jonathan are the coolest!

I don't think we're too far from trying cereal, as he's been kinda crabby the past couple nights, and seems to spit up quite a bit when we feed him by bottle or breast. Hopefully that's all it is that's causing his case of the crabbies, esp since we'll be leaving tomorrow for a road trip!

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