Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Day

Clara woke up bright and early Christmas morning claiming she heard Santa's bell jingle in the night. She checked under the tree and said he had left presents, blue ones with little snowmen on them. She even claimed she could still see some real snow on them. Jonathan was not so quick out of bed which bought me a few extra minutes in bed as well!
By the time I got up, Clara had already sorted the gifts into 2 piles (Matthew didn't get anything from Santa - being the youngest of 3 Santa couldn't possibly think of anything that wouldn't be a complete waste of money, especially since he's not even old enough for the 'pure joy' argument.)

Jonathan got a robe.

A Cinderella from Great Grandma Phyllis

Cars movie

A lasso...don't ask me, she really wanted one!

We get to grow a frog from a tadpole, thanks to Aunt Mary!

Santa was sneaky and wrapped all the Wii components together in this diaper box. It was the last thing Clara unwrapped. When she got a glimpse of the box, she said, "This had my name on it, but I think Santa made a mistake. I think it's supposed to be for Matthew." So I encouraged her to open it all the way to show Matthew what he got. Who knew Santa was so tricky?!

Only one Hungry Hippos game :)

Santa even remembered Clemson this year!


Fireman Jonathan

New Skates!

Jonathan had to try them out right away!
Good thing he got that robe to keep him warm!

Skating is not as easy as it looks!

Matthew's 1st Christmas

We went to Chris' cousin's house in Fresno for Christmas dinner. We spent Christmas with his cousins Josh and Preston, Uncle Larry and Aunt Sandi and Aunt Mary, as well as, with Josh's girlfriend's family. It was a busy and somewhat hectic week leading up to Christmas, but the important thing is that we got to spend the season with so much family in both AZ and CA. We are fortunate to have so many in Chris' family live near us and to be able to share the holidays with them. After all, that's what Christmas is about - family.

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