Friday, December 11, 2009

Clara's Awards

Our refrigerator is full of happy clutter thanks to Clara. Her homework from each week goes up to show her neat work gets a 'green mark' - the highest mark she can get. She has awards for great behavior, a great report card (she was one of only 3 children to get all 'S+' on her report card!), and not missing any days of school so far this year. The ribbons are for the optional reading program that she's participating in. The school usually starts the program in the first grade, because kindergartners don't learn to read until the end of the year, but Clara was one of 2 kids that came into kindergarten already reading. She has earned 7 ribbons so far, but they've just finally given her the first 2. She's reading at about a second grade level right now and has been asked to read in the Kindergarten Christmas show next Friday! Her teacher has also asked us about starting her on a similar program for math, that once again isn't typically started until 1st grade. I'm so proud of her! She also has earned another coupon for a free personal pan pizza with the 'Book it!' program.

I told her if she kept this up we were going to need another refrigerator. Chris told her to stop being good, because we don't have room for anymore awards! Clara's loving school and it shows!

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