Sunday, December 13, 2009

Gingerbread House

Still cold and rainy here, so last night was a perfect night to build our gingerbread house. This year I just bought one of those no bake kits from William Sonoma. It had everything in it we needed and it all tastes yummy, too! I started them off by constructing the house and helping with the roof, then traded places with Chris so he could get in on the fun too.
The kids did a pretty good job taking turns decorating...

Clara showed a lot of restraint from eating all the decorations...Jonathan?...not so much!

The finished house (we weren't smart enough to decorate all the sides before sticking them together, and since it's much more difficult to decorate them on a vertical plane, we opted for only decorating the front of the house - which is about all the decorating my little ones can stand anyway, so it worked out well).

Close up of the finished house

Jonathan got to eat the snowman he made

And Clara got to eat her Christmas tree.

Then they started in on the house!


Someone had to take a bit for Matthew :)

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