Monday, December 28, 2009

Joshua Trees

I had to get a picture of a Joshua Tree this trip. I have seen them on our other trips between CA and AZ, but never bothered Chris to pull off the road so I could get a picture. After trying to snap a few shots from a moving car, only to have them turn out blurry, he finally pulled off onto the shoulder so I could snap this picture:
Which satisfied me, until I saw the next tree:

A massive Joshua Tree.
They are so cool looking. Only in order to get a good shot of this one, Chris had to get out of the car and run across to the other side of the highway, and take the picture fromt he opposite side of the street (my shoes were off). All I kept thinking was, "Please God, don't let him get hit by a car!" Could you imagine, if that was his fate? To get hit by a car while taking a picture of a Joshua Tree for me?
It's the little things that tell me he loves me :)

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