Sunday, December 27, 2009

Phoenix Children's Museum

No trip to Phoenix with the kids would be complete without going to the Children's Museum. We spent a morning there with Vic and Virginia's neighbor and his little boy. The kids had a great time!
Clara on the trike

Matthew hanging out.

Jonathan at the sand table

Clara playing with the vacuum

I thought this was the coolest - stroller parking, complete with meters. Ours is the one in the middle...poor stroller, so weighed down with 3 kids worth of crap!

Time to make the pizzas!

Matthew thinks he's ready for some table food!

Clara, our waitress

Chris' self portrait in the noodles with Matthew

Jonathan still loves the noodle room

Matthew and me in the noodle room

Taking time to pick some flowers!
After the Children's Museum we got to grab lunch at Five Guys Burgers and Fries - they just opened one in Tempe (about 30 min from the museum) - Lunch was sooooo yummy!

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