Sunday, December 27, 2009

Snow Day

When we went to Little Gym last Saturday, we already had the van loaded up with suitcases (and our dog) for vacation...we had a train to catch the next day. First, we a had a long trip ahead of us, to Flagstaff, AZ where we met up with Chris' parents. As a bonus, the kids got to play in the snow for the first time! We got to the hotel pretty late on Saturday, but first thing Sunday morning (after breakfast), we got on our snow gear for some fun in the snow!

The kids wearing their snow bibs! (Thank goodness for Target and their inexpensive winter gear!)

Here's Chris getting his 'snow legs'

And Clara, too!

Who needs to walk down the hill when you can slide!

Cutest little snow bear ever!

Matthew and Grandma Ginia

Yep, even Grandma got in on the fun. Unfortunately this snow was much too hard for any of the fun the kids were hoping to have (making snowballs and snowmen). The snow wouldn't stick together and if you picked up a chunk of it, it was too hard to throw at anyone (not that it stopped any of us from trying!)

Jonathan had a little trouble walking in the snow - thank goodness Grandma was there to help (excuse my knee there in the corner!)

Cute pic!

We were ill-prepared on the 'sleigh front' so we tried to show the kids how to roll down the hill instead...not so much fun!

Coming to get me with that chunk of snow!

Trying to make a snow angel...once again, the snow was too hard for that, too.

Taking a break

Two of my favorite pics are this one and the next one...

We never actually saw snow fall while we were on vacation. Clara was throwing the snow in the air and trying to catch it in her mouth...Too cute!

Another family took pity on us and let us borrow one of their sleds...SO much fun!

Both kids LOVED it!

Jonathan kept eating the snow too!

Some nice person offered to take a pic of the family as we were on our way in (Grandma and Grandpa had already taken a cranky Matthew into the hotel).

The next day as we were heading out of town, we found out someone else in the family likes snow too -- Clemson (even with his haircut!)

We stopped by a big field so Clemson could play fetch with his Bobo.

It was fun to see him all frisky, like a puppy again!

Time for a little Tug-o-war with Chris

Happy dog!

Pretty Dog!

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