Wednesday, February 17, 2010

6 Month Stats

Matthew had his 6 month well baby check-up today and here are his stats:
Weight: 16.2lbs
Height: 26in
Head Circumference: 17in
He's growing great, hitting all the milestones as expected and no ear infection!
While Matthew was getting his vitals, Jonathan decided to see how big he's getting and stepped on the scale. As the numbers jumped to 40lbs, he excitedly told me, "Look Mom, I'm turning 4!!!!" The nurse was tickled by this so she humored him and checked his height as well, 40.5in. Jonathan said, "See Mom, I'm getting big like Sissy." Once again charmed by Jonathan, the nurse asked him, "How big is your sister?" To which Jonathan replied, "Big enough."

1 comment:

  1. i can't believe he weighs more than caleb now!!! he started out smaller, but he's made up for it now hasn't he? what a doll baby.
