Thursday, February 4, 2010

Just Because....

This afternoon there was a knock on my door, and to my surprise, this is what I found when I went to answer it...
At first I thought Chris must just be trying to get a jump on Valentine's Day. I thought maybe he'd found a good deal on flowers, if you got them delivered early, but then I read the card.
Thank you for allowing me to dream as big as I want to -
Your unselfishness means a lot to me.
I love my family, I love my country & I love my job!
You allow me to enjoy all three.
I love you and miss you very much!

Chris is coming up for orders again, so there's a lot of big decisions to be made about his future, about our future...apparently I've done something right recently! He's in Fallon, NV this week with his squadron, so I guess he's had some time to think.

Later when Clara saw the flowers she said, "Mom? Who sent us such beautiful flowers?"
I explained, "Daddy sent them to me."
To which Clara said, "I told Daddy last night I missed him a bunch on the phone, so I bet he sent them so I would feel better!"
"Yes Clara, I'm sure that's it!"


  1. wow - way to go Chris!! It's the little things...nothing like being told "i love you" just because!!! :)

  2. Mothers never cease to receive rewards from their children. I am so blessed to have Chris and his family in my life. I have a wonderful son, loving daughter-in-law and three beautiful grandchildren. Chris truly has his priorities in order! I love you all.
